Meghan Markle realised 'mute part' in Deal or No Deal was about 'her looks and not her brains' - Sky News Australia

Meghan Markle realised 'mute part' in Deal or No Deal was about 'her looks and not her brains' - Sky News Australia
Meghan Markle goes on in her podcast, Archetypes, to explain how she left the job at Deal or No Deal because she felt “objectified” and realised it was about “her looks and not her brains”, Commentator Liz Storer says. “I’m like lady, what about a job holdi…
Meghan Markle goes on in her podcast, Archetypes, to explain how she left the job at Deal or No Deal because she felt “objectified” and realised it was about “her looks and not her brains”, Commentat… [+260 chars] Read More

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