Visionary US Astrophysicist Eugene Parker, Namesake of Sun-Touching Probe, Has Died - ScienceAlert
![Visionary US Astrophysicist Eugene Parker, Namesake of Sun-Touching Probe, Has Died - ScienceAlert](https://www.sciencealert.com/images/2022-03/images/2022-02/processed/EugeneParker1977_1024.jpg)
Eugene Parker, a pioneering American astrophysicist whose mathematical prediction that charged particles streamed from stars in a solar wind was met with disbelief before he was ultimately vindicated, has died aged 94, NASA said on Wednesday.
Eugene Parker, a pioneering American astrophysicist whose mathematical prediction that charged particles streamed from stars in a solar wind was met with disbelief before he was ultimately vindicated… [+3165 chars]
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