X-Ray Vision and Polarized Glasses Unite to Uncover Mysteries of the Universe - Teachable Moments | NASA/JPL Edu - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
![X-Ray Vision and Polarized Glasses Unite to Uncover Mysteries of the Universe - Teachable Moments | NASA/JPL Edu - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/images/news/ixpe.jpg)
A NASA space telescope mission is giving astronomers a whole new way to peer into the universe, allowing us to uncover long-standing mysteries surrounding objects such as black holes. Find out how it works and how to engage students in the science behind the …
A NASA space telescope mission is giving astronomers a whole new way to peer into the universe, allowing us to uncover long-standing mysteries surrounding objects such as black holes. Find out how it… [+9897 chars]
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